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With CEF Python you can embed a web browser control based on Chromium in a Python application. You can also use it to create a HTML 5 based GUI in an application that can act as a replacement for standard GUI toolkits such as wxWidgets, Qt or GTK. With this tutorial you will learn CEF Python basics. This tutorial will discuss the three featured examples:, and There are many more examples that you can find in the file, but these examples are out of scope for this tutorial.

Table of contents:

Install and run example

You can install with pip. On Linux pip 8.1+ is required. Alternatively you can download packages for offline installation from GitHub Releases.

Run the commands below to install the cefpython3 package, clone the repository and run the Hello World example:

pip install cefpython3==57.0
git clone
cd cefpython/examples/

The example's source code will be analyzed line by line in the next section of this Tutorial.

This tutorial in its further sections will also reference the and examples which will show how to use more advanced CEF Python features. All these examples are available in the examples/ root directory.

Hello world

The example is the most basic example. It doesn't depend on any third party GUI framework. It creates a browser widget without providing any window information (parent window is not specified), thus CEF automatically takes care of creating a top-level window, and in that window a Chromium widget is being embedded. When creating the browser, the "url" parameter is specified, which causes the browser to initially navigate to Google website. Let's analyze the code from that example:

  1. from cefpython3 import cefpython as cef - Import the cefpython module and make a short "cef" alias
  2. sys.excepthook = cef.ExceptHook - Overwrite Python's default exception handler so that all CEF sub-processes are terminated when Python exception occurs. To understand this better read the "Architecture" and "Handling Python exceptions" sections further down in this Tutorial.
  3. cef.Initialize() - Initialize CEF. This function must be called somewhere in the beginning of your code. It must be called before any application window is created. It must be called only once during app's lifetime and must have a corresponding Shutdown() call.
  4. cef.CreateBrowserSync(url="", ...) - Create a browser synchronously, this function returns a Browser object.
  5. cef.MessageLoop() - Run CEF message loop. All desktop GUI programs run some message loop that waits and dispatches events or messages. Read more on message loop in the "Message loop" section further down in this tutorial.
  6. cef.Shutdown() - Shut down CEF. This function must be called for CEF to shut down cleanly. It will free system resources acquired by CEF and terminate all sub-processes, and it will flush to disk any yet unsaved data like for example cookies and/or local storage. Call this function at the very end of your program execution. When using third party GUI frameworks such as Qt/wxWidgets, CEF should be shut down after these frameworks' shutdown procedures were called. For example in Qt, shut down CEF only after QApplication object was destroyed.

Documentation for the functions referenced in this example can be found in API reference - the api/ root directory in GitHub's repository:


  • CEF uses multi-process architecture
    • The main application process is called the “Browser” process. In CEF Python this is the same process in which Python is running.
    • CEF Python uses a separate executable called "subprocess" for running sub-processes. Sub-processes will be created for renderers, plugins, GPU, etc.
    • In future CEF Python might allow to run Python also in sub-processes, for example in the Renderer process which would allow to access more CEF API (Issue #320)
  • Most processes in CEF have multiple threads
    • Handlers' callbacks and other interfaces callbacks may be called on various threads, this is stated in API reference
    • Some functions may only be used on particular threads, this is stated in API reference
    • CEF Python provides cef.PostTask function for posting tasks between these various threads
    • The "UI" thread is application main thread unless you use ApplicationSettings.multi_threaded_message_loop option on Windows in which case the UI thread will no more be application main thread
    • Do not perform blocking operations on any CEF thread other than the Browser process FILE thread. Otherwise this can lead to serious performance issues.

Handling Python exceptions

Due to CEF multi-process architecture Python exceptions need special handling. When Python exception occurs then main process is terminated. For CEF this means that the Browser process is terminated, however there may still be running CEF sub-processes like Renderer process, GPU process, etc. To terminate these sub-processes cef.Shutdown must be called and if running CEF message loop then it must be stopped first. In all CEF Python examples you can find such a line that overwrites the default exception handler in Python:

sys.excepthook = cef.ExceptHook  # To shutdown all CEF processes on error

See Python docs for sys.excepthook.

The cef.ExceptHook helper function does the following:

  1. Writes exception to "error.log" file
  2. Prints exception
  3. Calls cef.QuitMessageLoop
  4. Calls cef.Shutdown
  5. Calls os._exit(1) - which exits the process with status 1, without calling cleanup handlers, flushing stdio buffers, etc.

See CEF Python's ExceptHook source code in src/helpers.pyx.


CEF settings are provided in multiple ways. There are global application settings and command line switches that can be passed to cef.Initialize. There are also browser settings that can be passed to cef.CreateBrowserSync. Finally there are Chromium preferences, but these are not yet implemented. See below for details on each of these settings.

Application settings

A dict of application settings can be passed to cef.Initialize. Here are some settings worth noting:

  • cache_path - set a directory path so that web cache data is persisted, otherwise an in-memory cache is used. Cookies and HTML 5 databases such as local storage will only persist if this option is set.
  • context_menu - customize context menu
  • locale - set language for localized resources
  • product_version - set the product portion of the default User-Agent string. If user_agent option (below) is used then product_version will be ignored.
  • user_agent - set value that will be returned as the User-Agent HTTP header and js navigator.userAgent

To enable debugging set these settings:

settings = {
    "debug": True,
    "log_severity": cef.LOGSEVERITY_INFO,
    "log_file": "debug.log",

Alternatively you can pass --debug flag on the command line and these settings will be set automatically.

Browser settings

A dict of browser settings can be passed to cef.CreateBrowserSync.

Command line switches

A dict of command line switches can be passed to cef.Initialize. Examples switches:

  • "enable-media-stream" - to enable media (WebRTC audio/video) streaming
  • "proxy-server" - to set proxy server
  • "disable-gpu" - use only CPU software rendering

Note that when setting switch that doesn't accept value then must pass an empty string as value. Example code:

switches = {
    "enable-media-stream": "",
    "proxy-server": "socks5://",
    "disable-gpu": "",

Chromium preferences

There are lots of more settings that can be set using Chromium preferences (and even changed during runtime), however this API wasn't yet exposed to CEF Python, see Issue #244 for details.

Change user agent string

There are two options in application settings for changing User-Agent string: product_version and user_agent.

The "product_version" sets the product portion of the default User-Agent string. If "user_agent" option is used then "product_version" will be ignored. For example if you set "product_version" to "MyProduct/10.00" then User-Agent will be:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
MyProduct/10.00 Safari/537.36

To change the whole user agent string use the "user_agent" option. For example set it to "MyApp/40.00 MyProduct/10.00" and both User-Agent HTTP header and js navigator.userAgent will be:

MyAgent/20.00 MyProduct/10.00

Uncomment appropriate lines in example to see the effect:

# To change user agent use either "product_version"
# or "user_agent" options. Explained in Tutorial in
# "Change user agent string" section.
settings = {
    # "product_version": "MyProduct/10.00",
    # "user_agent": "MyAgent/20.00 MyProduct/10.00",

Client handlers

In CEF client handlers provide a way to be notified of Chromium events. There are client handlers like DisplayHandler, LoadHandler, RequestHandler, etc. These handlers are class interfaces for which you provide implementation. We will refer to the methods of these objects as "callbacks". You can set a client handler by calling Browser.SetClientHandler. You are not required to implement whole interface, you can implement only some callbacks. Some handlers due to cefpython limitations have callbacks that can only be set globally by calling cef.SetGlobalClientCallback. In API reference such global client callbacks are marked with an underscore in its name.

The example shows how to implement client handlers like DisplayHandler and LoadHandler. It also shows how to implement a global client callback LifespanHandler._OnAfterCreated. Here is part of its source code:

def set_client_handlers(browser):
    client_handlers = [LoadHandler(), DisplayHandler()]
    for handler in client_handlers:
class LoadHandler(object):
    def OnLoadingStateChange(self, browser, is_loading, **_):
        # This callback is called twice, once when loading starts
        # (is_loading=True) and second time when loading ends
        # (is_loading=False).
        if not is_loading:
            # Loading is complete. DOM is ready.
            js_print(browser, "Python", "OnLoadingStateChange",
                     "Loading is complete")

Javascript integration

Python code is running in the main process (the Browser process), while Javascript is running in the Renderer sub-process. Communication between Python and Javascript is possible either using inter-process asynchronous messaging or through http requests (both sync and async possible).

Asynchronous inter-process messaging

Python and Javascript can communicate using inter-process messaging:

  • Use the JavascriptBindings class methods to to expose Python functions, objects and properties to Javascript: SetFunction, SetObject and SetProperty
  • To initiate communication from the Python side call Browser object methods: ExecuteJavascript or ExecuteFunction. Frame object also has the same methods.
  • To initiate communication from the Javascript side first you have to bind Python functions/objects using the JavascriptBindings class mentioned earlier. Then you call these functions/objects.
  • You can pass Javascript callbacks to Python. Just pass a javascript function as an argument when calling Python function/object. On the Python side that javascript function will be converted to JavascriptCallback object. Execute the Call method on it to call the javascript function asynchronously.
  • You can pass Python callbacks to Javascript, however you can do so only after the communication was initiated from the Javascript side and a javascript callback was passed. When executing JavascriptCallback.Call method you can pass Python callbacks to Javascript. In javascript these Python callbacks will act as native javascript functions, so call them as usual.
  • Note that when executing Browser.ExecuteFunction method you cannot pass Python functions nor objects here. Such feature is not yet supported. You can however pass Python functions when executing javascript callbacks mentioned earlier.

In example you will find example usage of javascript bindings, javascript callbacks and python callbacks. Here is part of its source code:

def set_javascript_bindings(browser):
    bindings = cef.JavascriptBindings(
            bindToFrames=False, bindToPopups=False)
    bindings.SetFunction("html_to_data_uri", html_to_data_uri)
def html_to_data_uri(html, js_callback=None):
    # This function is called in two ways:
    # 1. From Python: in this case value is returned
    # 2. From Javascript: in this case value cannot be returned because
    #    inter-process messaging is asynchronous, so must return value
    #    by calling js_callback.
    html = html.encode("utf-8", "replace")
    b64 = base64.b64encode(html).decode("utf-8", "replace")
    ret = "data:text/html;base64,{data}".format(data=b64)
    if js_callback:
                 "Python", "html_to_data_uri",
                 "Called from Javascript. Will call Javascript callback now.")
        return ret
function js_callback_1(ret) {
    js_print("Javascript", "html_to_data_uri", ret);
html_to_data_uri("test", js_callback_1);

Communication using http requests

Python and Javascript can also communicate using http requests by running an internal web-server. See for example SimpleHTTPServer in Python docs.

With http requests it is possible for synchronous communication from Javascript to Python by performing synchronous AJAX requests.

To initiate communication from the Python side call Browser object methods: ExecuteJavascript or ExecuteFunction. Frame object also has the same methods.

You can also serve requests directly in CEF using for example ResourceHandler object. You can find an example usage of this object in one of examples listed in the file.

On a side note, upstream CEF also supports custom scheme handlers, however these APIs were not yet exposed to CEF Python.

Javascript exceptions and Python exceptions

There are cases when executing Javascript code may end up with Python exception being thrown:

  1. When a Python function is invoked from Javascript and it fails, a Python exception will be thrown
  2. When Python executes a Javascript callback and it fails, a Python exception will be thrown

In other cases to see Javascript exceptions open Developer Tools window using mouse context menu and switch to Console tab.

There are multiple ways to catch/intercept javascript exceptions:

  1. In Javascript you can register "window.onerror" event to catch all Javascript exceptions
  2. In Python you can intercept Javascript exceptions using DisplayHandler.OnConsoleMessage
  3. In upstream CEF there is also CefRenderProcessHandler::OnUncaughtException callback for catching Javascript exceptions, however this wasn't yet exposed to CEF Python

Plugins and Flash support

Latest CEF supports only PPAPI plugins. NPAPI plugins are no more supported.

Instructions for enabling Flash support are available in Issue #235 ("Flash support in CEF 51+").

For the old CEF Python v31 release instructions for enabling Flash support are available on Wiki pages.

Message loop

Message loop is a programming construct that waits for and dispatches events or messages in a program. All desktop GUI programs must run some kind of message loop. The example doesn't depend on any third party GUI framework and thus can run CEF message loop directly by calling cef.MessageLoop(). However in other examples that embed CEF browser with GUI frameworks such as Qt/wxPython/Tkinter you can't call cef.MessageLoop(), because these frameworks run a message loop of its own. For such cases CEF provides cef.MessageLoopWork() which is for integrating CEF message loop into existing application message loop. Usually cef.MessageLoopWork() is called in a 10ms timer.


Calling cef.MessageLoopWork() in a timer is not the best performant way to run CEF message loop, also there are known bugs on some platforms when calling message loop work in a timer. There are two options to increase performance depending on platform. On Windows use a multi-threaded message loop for best performance. On Mac use an external message pump for best performance.

Windows: multi-threaded message loop

On Windows for best performance a multi-threaded message loop should be used instead of cef.MessageLoopWork() or external message pump. To do so, set ApplicationSettings.multi_threaded_message_loop to True and run a native message loop in your app. Don't call CEF's message loop. Create browser using cef.PostTask(cef.TID_UI, cef.CreateBrowserSync, ...). Note that when using multi-threaded message loop, CEF's UI thread is no more application's main thread, and that makes it a bit harder to correctly use CEF API. API docs explain on which threads a function may be called and in case of handlers' callbacks (and other interfaces) it is stated on which thread a callback will be called. See also Issue #133.

Mac: external message pump

CEF provides ApplicationSettings.external_message_pump option for running an external message pump that you should use for best performance and to get rid of some bugs that appear when using cef.MessageLoopWork() in a timer.

This option is currently marked experimental as it wasn't yet fully tested. This option should work good on Mac - in upstream CEF it was tested mainly on Mac. If you've successfully used this option on Mac please let us know on the Forum.


External message pump option is not recommended to use on Linux, as during testing it actually made app x2 slower - it's a bug in upstream CEF. See Issue #246 for more details.

Off-screen rendering

Off-screen rendering, in short OSR, also known as windowless rendering, is a method of rendering pages into a memory buffer without creating an actual visible window. This method of rendering has its uses, some pluses and some minuses. Its main use is so that web page rendering can be integrated into apps that have its own rendering systems and they can draw web browser contents only if they are provided a pixel buffer to draw. CEF Python provides a few examples of integrating CEF off-screen rendering with frameworks such as Kivy, Panda3D and Pygame/PyOpenGl.

In this tutorial it will be discussed example which is a very basic example of off-screen rendering. This example creates a screenshot of a web page with viewport size set to 800px width and 5000px height which is an equivalent of scrolling down page multiple times, but you get all this in one single screenshot.

Before running this script you have to install Pillow image library (PIL module):

pip install Pillow

This example accepts optional arguments so that you can change url and viewport size. Example usage:

python 1024 5000
python 1024 768

Let's discuss code in this example.

To be able to use off-screen rendering mode in CEF you have to set windowless_rendering_enabled option to True, eg.:

cef.Initialize(settings={"windowless_rendering_enabled": True})

Do not enable this value if the application does not use off-screen rendering as it may reduce rendering performance on some systems.

Another thing that distincts windowed rendering from off-screen rendering is that when creating browser you have to call SetAsOffscreen method on the WindowInfo object. Code from the example:

parent_window_handle = 0
window_info = cef.WindowInfo()
browser = cef.CreateBrowserSync(window_info=window_info,

Also after creating browser it is required to let CEF know that viewport size is available and that OnPaint callback may be called (this callback will be explained in a moment) by calling WasResized method:


Off-screen rendering requires implementing RenderHandler which is one of client handlers and how to use them was explained earlier in the tutorial in the Client handlers section. For basic off-screen rendering it is enough to implement only two methods: GetViewRect and OnPaint. In the GetViewRect callback information on viewport size will be provided to CEF:

def GetViewRect(self, rect_out, **_):
    rect_out.extend([0, 0, VIEWPORT_SIZE[0], VIEWPORT_SIZE[1]])
    return True

In this callback viewport size is returned via |rect_out| which is of type "list" and thus is passed by reference. Additionally a True value is returned by function to notify CEF that rectangle was provided.

In the OnPaint callback CEF provides a PaintBufer object, which is a pixel buffer of the browser view. This object has GetIntPointer and GetString methods. In the example the latter method is used which returns bytes. The method name is a bit confusing for Python 3 users, but in Python 2 bytes were strings and thus the name. Here is the code:

def OnPaint(self, browser, element_type, paint_buffer, **_):
    if element_type == cef.PET_VIEW:
        buffer_string = paint_buffer.GetString(mode="rgba",
        browser.SetUserData("OnPaint.buffer_string", buffer_string)

The |element_type| argument can be either of cef.PET_VIEW (main view) or cef.PET_POPUP (for drawing popup widgets like <select> element). You can see a call to SetUserData which is a helper method for storing custom data associated with browser. This data is stored for later use when page completes loading. During loading of a page there are many calls to OnPaint callback and it is not yet known which call is the last when loading completes and thus image buffer is stored for later use.

The screenshot example also implements another handler named LoadHanadler and two of its callbacks: OnLoadingStateChange and OnLoadError. The OnLoadingStateChange callbacks notifies when web page loading completes and OnLoadError callback notifies if loading of page failed. When loading succeeds a function save_screenshot() is called which retrieves image buffer that was earlier stored in the browser object and then uses Pillow image library to save it as a PNG image.

The screenshot example could be further extended, so that it makes a screenshot of the whole page no matter how long it is. Detecting page length could be done in Javascript and then communicated back with Python using Javascript bindings. After whole page length is known a call to browser.WasResized() should be done so that GetViewRect and OnPaint are called again.

At the end, it is worth noting that there is yet an another option for off-screen rendering named windowless_frame_rate (can be passed to CreateBrowserSync), but is not used by this example. It sets the maximum rate in frames per second (fps) that OnPaint callback will be called

Currently CEF requires a window manager on Linux even in off-screen rendering mode. On systems without screen or any input you can use something like Xvfb which performs all graphical operations in memory without showing any screen output. Pure headless mode is currently not supported in CEF, but that may change in the future. CEF currently depends on X11 window manager, but there are plans to support alternative window managers by adding Ozone support - upstream issue #1989.

The example is just a basic showcase of off-screen rendering features. That screenshot feature should also be possible to implement using windowed rendering using a normal GUI window, but a hidden one with height set to some very big value that it wouldn't fit on screen. You could then render contents of this window to an image. For example in Qt you can do this by using QImage/QPainter classes along with a call to QWidget.render().

Build executable

Currently there is available PyInstaller example for building executable, by default it packages the example.

There are many more Python packagers available, however no official examples are provided for these. See the following issues in the tracker for all available packagers:

If you have any problems building executable ask on the Forum.

Files in the cefpython3 package

The cefpython3 package has the following components:

  1. The CEF Python modules (cefpython_pyxx.pyd on Windows, on Linux/Mac)
  2. The CEF dynamic library (libcef.dll on Windows, on Linux, “Chromium Embedded Framework.framework” on OS X).
  3. Other dynamic libraries CEF depends on (libEGL, libGLES, d3dcompiler, etc.) and some optional (widevinecdmadapter, etc.)
  4. Support files (*.pak, *.dat, *.bin, etc).

See README.txt in the cefpython3 package which provides extended details about all CEF binary files.

Support and documentation

For support and documentation see the Support section in README.