helm install openmldb ./
Name | Description | Value |
image.openmldbImage | OpenMLDB iamge, use docker image from Docker Hub by defualt. Support version >= 0.8.2; User can configure it to be a local image | openmldb-online:0.8.5 |
image.pullPolicy | OpenMLDB pull policy | IfNotPresent |
tablet.containerPorts | Tablet port | 10921 |
tablet.replicaCount | number of Tablet replicas | 3 |
nameserver.containerPorts | Nameserver port | 7527 |
nameserver.replicaCount | number of Nameserver replicas | 2 |
nameserver.startupDelayTime | Nameserver Pod startup delay time in seconds | 30 |
timezone | time zone | Asia/Shanghai |
idMountPath | id mount path, keep it consistent with data_dir in conf/tablet.flags conf/nameserver.flags |
/openmldb/id |
dbMountPath | data mount path, keep it consistent with db path in conf/tablet.flags |
/openmldb/data |
logMountPath | log mount path, keep it consistent with logs path in conf/tablet.flags conf/nameserver.flags |
/openmldb/logs |
udfLibraryDir | udf library path | /openmldb/udf |
startupProbe.enabled | whether to enable tablet startup | true |
startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds | probe delay seconds | 10 |
startupProbe.periodSeconds | probe period in seconds | 30 |
startupProbe.timeoutSeconds | probe timeout in seconds | 1 |
startupProbe.failureThreshold | probe failure threshold | 60 |
startupProbe.successThreshold | probe suncess threshold | 1 |
persistence.accessModes | access mode | ReadWriteOnce |
persistence.dataDir.enabled | whether to enable pvc for data directory | false |
persistence.dataDir.size | size of data directory | 8Gi |
persistence.dataDir.storageClass | storageClass name for data directory | "" |
persistence.logDir.enabled | whether to enable pvc for log directory | false |
persistence.logDir.size | size of log directory | 8Gi |
persistence.logDir.storageClass | storageClass name for log directory | "" |
helm install openmldb ./
Name | Description | Value |
image.openmldbImage | OpenMLDB 镜像,默认使用 Docker Hub 上的镜像,支持 OpenMLDB >= 0.8.2;用户也可以设置为本地仓库的镜像 | openmldb-online:0.8.5 |
image.pullPolicy | OpenMLDB镜像拉取策略 | IfNotPresent |
tablet.containerPorts | Tablet端口号 | 10921 |
tablet.replicaCount | Tablet副本数 | 3 |
nameserver.containerPorts | Nameserver端口号 | 7527 |
nameserver.replicaCount | Nameserver副本数 | 2 |
nameserver.startupDelayTime | Nameserver Pod延时启动时间,单位秒 | 30 |
timezone | 时区 | Asia/Shanghai |
idMountPath | 模块id文件mount路径, 需要和conf/tablet.flags conf/nameserver.flags 配置文件中data_dir 保持一致 |
/openmldb/id |
dbMountPath | 数据目录mount路径, 需要和conf/tablet.flags 配置文件中db目录对应 |
/openmldb/data |
logMountPath | 日志目录mount路径, 需要和conf/tablet.flags conf/nameserver.flags 配置文件中logs目录对应 |
/openmldb/logs |
udfLibraryDir | udf动态库路径 | /openmldb/udf |
startupProbe.enabled | 是否开启tablet startup探针 | true |
startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds | 探针延时秒数 | 10 |
startupProbe.periodSeconds | 探针的探测间隔 | 30 |
startupProbe.timeoutSeconds | 探针超时时间 | 1 |
startupProbe.failureThreshold | 探针失败阈值 | 60 |
startupProbe.successThreshold | 探针成功阈值 | 1 |
persistence.accessModes | 配置存储卷访问模式 | ReadWriteOnce |
persistence.dataDir.enabled | 数据目录是否使用pvc | false |
persistence.dataDir.size | 配置数据目录存储卷大小 | 8Gi |
persistence.dataDir.storageClass | 配置数据目录storageClass名字 | "" |
persistence.logDir.enabled | 日志目录是否使用pvc | false |
persistence.logDir.size | 配置日志目录存储卷大小 | 8Gi |
persistence.logDir.storageClass | 配置日志目录storageClass名字 | "" |