diff --git a/gc_little_helper_II.user.js b/gc_little_helper_II.user.js
index 3d9c5ce6..a3e67a31 100644
--- a/gc_little_helper_II.user.js
+++ b/gc_little_helper_II.user.js
@@ -718,6 +718,7 @@ var variablesInit = function(c) {
c.settings_public_profile_smaller_privacy_btn = getValue("settings_public_profile_smaller_privacy_btn", false);
c.settings_searchmap_improve_add_to_list = getValue("settings_searchmap_improve_add_to_list", true);
c.settings_searchmap_improve_add_to_list_height = getValue("settings_searchmap_improve_add_to_list_height", 130);
+ c.settings_improve_notifications_beta = getValue("settings_improve_notifications_beta", false);
tlc('START userToken');
try {
@@ -1463,6 +1464,8 @@ var mainGC = function() {
if (document.location.href.match(/\.com\/bookmarks\/mark\.aspx/)) var id = "ctl00_ContentBody_Bookmark_btnCreate";
// "Create New Bookmark List", Edit a Bookmark list.
if (document.location.href.match(/\.com\/bookmarks\/edit\.aspx/)) var id = "ctl00_ContentBody_BookmarkListEditControl1_btnSubmit";
+ // "Create Notification", "Edit Notification".
+ if (document.location.href.match(/\.com\/notify\/edit\.aspx/)) var id = "ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_btnGo";
// Hide cache process speichern.
if (document.location.href.match(/\.com\/hide\//)) {
if ($('#btnContinue')[0]) var id = "btnContinue";
@@ -1835,6 +1838,8 @@ var mainGC = function() {
css += ".span-9 {width: " + ((new_width - 250) / 2) + "px !important;}";
css += ".StatsTable {width: " + (new_width - 250 - 30) + "px !important;}";
+ } else if (document.location.href.match(/\.com\/notify\/default\.aspx/)) {
+ css += ".span-20 {width: " + new_width + "px;}";
@@ -12937,6 +12942,400 @@ var mainGC = function() {
} catch(e) {gclh_error("Improve trackable search page",e);}
+// Improve notification list and notifications.
+ if (document.location.href.match(/\.com\/notify\/(default|edit)\.aspx/) && settings_improve_notifications_beta) {
+ try {
+ function disableAllFieldsNotif() {
+ $('input,select').each(function(){
+ $(this)[0].setAttribute('disabled', '');
+ $(this)[0].style.opacity = '0.5';
+ });
+ }
+ function enableAllFieldsNotif() {
+ $('input,select').each(function(){
+ $(this)[0].removeAttribute('disabled', '');
+ $(this)[0].style.opacity = '1';
+ });
+ }
+ function setValueNotif(c, sel) {
+ if ($(c).find(sel)[0] && $(c).find(sel)[0].value != $(sel)[0].value) {
+ $(sel)[0].value = $(c).find(sel)[0].value;
+ }
+ }
+ function setSelectOptionNotif(c, sel) {
+ if ($(c).find(sel)[0] && $(c).find(sel)[0].selectedIndex != $(sel)[0].selectedIndex) {
+ $(sel+' option')[$(c).find(sel)[0].selectedIndex].selected = true;
+ }
+ }
+ function successMessageNotif(mess) {
+ var p = document.createElement('p');
+ p.setAttribute('class', 'Success');
+ p.innerHTML = mess;
+ $('#divContentMain')[0].insertBefore(p, $('#ctl00_ContentBody_divPremiumMemberText')[0]);
+ }
+ function prepareCopyNotif(nid, first) {
+ disableAllFieldsNotif();
+ $.get('https://www.geocaching.com/notify/edit.aspx?NID=' + nid, null, function(c){
+ // If it is the first call of the page.
+ if (first) {
+ // Set notification name to 10 blank, so we can recognize the second call of the page.
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_tbName')[0].value = ' ';
+ // Select cachetype and trigger a reload of the page.
+ if ($('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_ddTypeList')[0].selectedIndex == 0) {
+ setSelectOptionNotif(c, '#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_ddTypeList');
+ enableAllFieldsNotif();
+ $("#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_ddTypeList").trigger("change");
+ }
+ // If it is the second call of the page.
+ } else {
+ setValueNotif(c, '#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_tbName');
+ $(c).find('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_cblLogTypeList input[checked="checked"]').each(function(){
+ if ($(this)[0].id && $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_cblLogTypeList #'+$(this)[0].id)[0]) {
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_cblLogTypeList #'+$(this)[0].id)[0].checked = 'checked';
+ }
+ });
+ setSelectOptionNotif(c, '#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong\\:_selectNorthSouth');
+ setSelectOptionNotif(c, '#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong\\:_selectEastWest');
+ setValueNotif(c, '#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLatDegs');
+ setValueNotif(c, '#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLatMins');
+ setValueNotif(c, '#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLatSecs');
+ setValueNotif(c, '#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLongDegs');
+ setValueNotif(c, '#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLongMins');
+ setValueNotif(c, '#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLongSecs');
+ setValueNotif(c, '#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_tbDistance');
+ setSelectOptionNotif(c, '#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_ddlAltEmails');
+ enableAllFieldsNotif();
+ successMessageNotif('Input fields copied.');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function getCoordsFromFieldsNotif(data) {
+ var coords = '';
+ var sel = '#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong\\:_selectNorthSouth';
+ coords += $(data).find(sel+' option')[$(data).find(sel)[0].selectedIndex].innerHTML;
+ coords += $(data).find('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLatDegs')[0].value + ' ';
+ coords += $(data).find('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLatMins')[0].value + ' ';
+ var sel = '#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong\\:_selectEastWest';
+ coords += $(data).find(sel+' option')[$(data).find(sel)[0].selectedIndex].innerHTML;
+ coords += $(data).find('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLongDegs')[0].value + ' ';
+ coords += $(data).find('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLongMins')[0].value;
+ return coords;
+ }
+ function setCoordsToFieldsNotif(NS, LatD, LatM, EW, LongD, LongM) {
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong\\:_selectNorthSouth option[value="' + (NS == 'N' ? '1':'-1') + '"]').attr('selected', true);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLatDegs').val(LatD);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLatDegs').trigger("change");
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLatMins').val(LatM);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLatMins').trigger("change");
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong\\:_selectEastWest option[value="' + (EW == 'E' ? '1':'-1') + '"]').attr('selected', true);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLongDegs').val(LongD);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLongDegs').trigger("change");
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLongMins').val(LongM);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLongMins').trigger("change");
+ }
+ function processCoordsNotif(first, e, field) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ if (first || (e && (e.type == 'focusout' || e.type == 'change' || e.type == 'keydown' && e.keyCode == 13))) {
+ // Set coords from standard fields to new field.
+ if (first || field.id != 'gclh_degs_value') {
+ if (window.getComputedStyle($('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__requiredLatDeg')[0]).display != 'none' || window.getComputedStyle($('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__validatorLatDegs')[0]).display != 'none' || window.getComputedStyle($('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__requiredLatMins')[0]).display != 'none' || window.getComputedStyle($('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__validatorLatMins')[0]).display != 'none' || window.getComputedStyle($('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__requiredLongDeg')[0]).display != 'none' || window.getComputedStyle($('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__validatorLongDegs')[0]).display != 'none' || window.getComputedStyle($('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__requiredLongMins')[0]).display != 'none' || window.getComputedStyle($('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__validatorLongMins')[0]).display != 'none') {
+ $('#gclh_degs span')[0].innerHTML = 'The coordinates entered above are incorrect. Fields are marked.';
+ } else {
+ var coords = getCoordsFromFieldsNotif($('table.LatLongTable tbody')[0]);
+ if (!coords || coords == 'N E ') $('#gclh_degs_value')[0].value = '';
+ else $('#gclh_degs_value')[0].value = coords;
+ $('#gclh_degs span')[0].innerHTML = '';
+ }
+ // Set coords from new field to standard fields.
+ } else {
+ setCoordsToFieldsNotif('N', '', '', 'W', '', '');
+ $('#gclh_degs span')[0].innerHTML = '';
+ var m = $('#gclh_degs_value')[0].value.match(/^\s*(N|n|S|s)\s*(\d{1,3})(\s*°\s*|\s+)(\d{1,2}[\.,;]?\d{0,3})(\s*['`´]\s*|\s+)(E|e|W|w)\s*(\d{1,3})(\s*°\s*|\s+)(\d{1,2}[\.,;]?\d{0,3})(\s*['`´]\s*|\s*)$/);
+ if (m && m.length == 11) {
+ setCoordsToFieldsNotif(m[1].replace('n','N').replace('s','S'), m[2], m[4].replace(/(,|;)/,'.'), m[6].replace('e','E').replace('w','W'), m[7], m[9].replace(/(,|;)/,'.'));
+ } else if ($('#gclh_degs_value')[0].value != '') {
+ $('#gclh_degs span')[0].innerHTML = 'The coordinates entered are incorrect.';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, 50);
+ }
+ function expandLinesListNotif() {
+ $('table.Table tr a[href*="edit.aspx?NID="]').closest('tr').each(function(){
+ var nid = $(this).find('a[href*="edit.aspx?NID="]')[0].href.match(/NID=(\d*)/);
+ if (nid && nid[1]) {
+ var item = $(this);
+ $(item).find('td.gclh_icons').before('
+ $.get('https://www.geocaching.com/notify/edit.aspx?NID=' + nid[1], null, function(c){
+ var coords = getCoordsFromFieldsNotif(c);
+ $(item).find('td.gclh_coords')[0].innerHTML = coords;
+ $(item).find('td.gclh_dist')[0].innerHTML = $(c).find('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_tbDistance')[0].value;
+ $(item).find('td.gclh_mail')[0].innerHTML = $(c).find('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_ddlAltEmails')[0].value;
+ $(item).find('td.gclh_mail').addClass('gclh_add_last');
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function clickEnableCheckboxListNotif(nid, item) {
+ if ($(item).closest('tr').hasClass('gclh_disabled')) return;
+ $(item).find('img')[0].src = urlImages + 'ajax-loader.gif';
+ $.get('https://www.geocaching.com/notify/default.aspx?did=' + nid, null, function(c){
+ $(item).find('img')[0].src = $(c).find('a[href="?did='+nid+'"] img')[0].src;
+ $(item).find('img')[0].alt = $(c).find('a[href="?did='+nid+'"] img')[0].alt;
+ });
+ }
+ function enableIconAdditionalDataListNotif(waitCount) {
+ if ($('table.Table tbody tr').length == $('table.Table tbody .gclh_add_last').length) {
+ $('#gclh_more').removeClass('gclh_working');
+ } else {waitCount++; if (waitCount <= 100) setTimeout(function(){enableIconAdditionalDataListNotif(waitCount);}, 100);}
+ }
+ function sortTableListNotif(table, item, item2) {
+ var tb = table.tBodies[0];
+ var tr = Array.prototype.slice.call(tb.rows, 0);
+ // Set sort class and sort direction.
+ if (!$(item).hasClass('gclh_sort_cur')) {
+ $(table).find('.gclh_sort_cur').removeClass('gclh_sort_cur');
+ $(item).addClass('gclh_sort_cur');
+ } else if ($(item).hasClass('gclh_sort_asc')) {
+ $(item).removeClass('gclh_sort_asc');
+ $(item).addClass('gclh_sort_desc');
+ } else if ($(item).hasClass('gclh_sort_desc')) {
+ $(item).removeClass('gclh_sort_desc');
+ $(item).addClass('gclh_sort_asc');
+ }
+ if (!$(item).hasClass('gclh_sort_asc') && !$(item).hasClass('gclh_sort_desc')) {
+ $(item).addClass('gclh_sort_asc');
+ }
+ if ($(item).hasClass('gclh_sort_asc')) var dir = 1;
+ else var dir = -1;
+ // Do sort.
+ tr = tr.sort(function (a, b) {
+ // First sort criteria.
+ if ($(item).hasClass('gclh_col_enable')) {
+ var aa = $(a.cells[item.cellIndex]).find('a img')[0].alt;
+ var bb = $(b.cells[item.cellIndex]).find('a img')[0].alt;
+ } else if ($(item).hasClass('gclh_col_icon')) {
+ var aa = a.cells[item.cellIndex+2].textContent.trim();
+ var bb = b.cells[item.cellIndex+2].textContent.trim();
+ } else {
+ var aa = a.cells[item.cellIndex].textContent.trim();
+ var bb = b.cells[item.cellIndex].textContent.trim();
+ }
+ // Second sort criteria.
+ if (item2 != '') {
+ aa += a.cells[item2.cellIndex].textContent.trim();
+ bb += b.cells[item2.cellIndex].textContent.trim();
+ }
+ return dir * (aa .localeCompare(bb));
+ });
+ // Set zebra background in lines.
+ for (i = 0; i < tr.length; i = i+2) {
+ $(tr[i]).removeClass('AlternatingRow');
+ if (tr[i+1]) $(tr[i+1]).addClass('AlternatingRow');
+ }
+ // Build new table in sorted order.
+ for(i = 0; i < tr.length; ++i) tb.appendChild(tr[i]);
+ }
+ function processAdditionalDataListNotif() {
+ $('table.Table thead th:last').append('');
+ $('#gclh_more')[0].addEventListener('click', function() {
+ if ($('#gclh_more').hasClass('gclh_working')) return;
+ $('#gclh_more').addClass('gclh_working');
+ if (!$('table.Table thead th.gclh_add')[0]) {
+ $('table.Table thead th.gclh_icons').before('
Send to
+ $('table .gclh_col_coords')[0].addEventListener('click', function() {sortTableListNotif($('table.Table')[0], this, $('table .gclh_col_name')[0])});
+ $('table .gclh_col_dist')[0].addEventListener('click', function() {sortTableListNotif($('table.Table')[0], this, $('table .gclh_col_name')[0])});
+ $('table .gclh_col_mail')[0].addEventListener('click', function() {sortTableListNotif($('table.Table')[0], this, $('table .gclh_col_name')[0])});
+ expandLinesListNotif();
+ }
+ enableIconAdditionalDataListNotif(0);
+ if ($('#gclh_more').hasClass('gclh_icon_rotate_top')) {
+ $('#gclh_more')[0].title = 'Hide additional data';
+ $('table.Table').removeClass('gclh_hide_add');
+ $('#gclh_more').removeClass('gclh_icon_rotate_top');
+ } else {
+ $('#gclh_more')[0].title = 'Show additional data';
+ $('table.Table').addClass('gclh_hide_add');
+ $('#gclh_more').addClass('gclh_icon_rotate_top');
+ }
+ }, false);
+ }
+ function processHidePageInfoListNotif() {
+ $('table.Table thead th:last').append('');
+ $('.BreadcrumbWidget, #divContentMain h2, #ctl00_ContentBody_divPremiumMemberText').addClass('gclh_info');
+ $('p img[src="/images/icons/16/checkbox_on.png"]').closest('p').addClass('gclh_info');
+ $('#gclh_info')[0].addEventListener('click', function() {
+ if ($('#gclh_info').hasClass('gclh_icon_rotate_top')) {
+ $('#gclh_info')[0].title = 'Hide page info';
+ $('#divContentMain').removeClass('gclh_hide_info');
+ $('#gclh_info').removeClass('gclh_icon_rotate_top');
+ setValue('set_switch_notification_show_page_info', true);
+ } else {
+ $('#gclh_info')[0].title = 'Show page info';
+ $('#divContentMain').addClass('gclh_hide_info');
+ $('#gclh_info').addClass('gclh_icon_rotate_top');
+ setValue('set_switch_notification_show_page_info', false);
+ }
+ }, false);
+ if (!getValue('set_switch_notification_show_page_info', true)) $('#gclh_info')[0].click();
+ }
+ function improveLinesListNotif() {
+ $('table.Table tr a[href*="edit.aspx?NID="]').closest('tr').each(function(){
+ var nid = $(this).find('a[href*="edit.aspx?NID="]')[0].href.match(/NID=(\d*)/);
+ if (nid && nid[1]) {
+ nid = nid[1];
+ var cellIcons = $(this).find('a[href*="edit.aspx?NID="]').closest('td')[0];
+ var itemCeckbox = $(this).find('a[href="?did='+nid+'"]')[0];
+ var itemCachetype = $(this).find('img[src*="/images/WptTypes/sm/"]').closest('td')[0];
+ var itemName = $(this).find('td:nth-child(3)')[0];
+ var itemEdit = $(this).find('a[href*="edit.aspx?NID="]')[0];
+ // Mark the icons cell.
+ $(cellIcons).addClass('gclh_icons');
+ // Handle checkbox for enable a notification.
+ itemCeckbox.setAttribute('id', nid);
+ itemCeckbox.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:void(0);');
+ itemCeckbox.setAttribute('title', 'Enable/disable notification');
+ itemCeckbox.addEventListener("click", function() {clickEnableCheckboxListNotif(nid, this);}, false);
+ // Replace cache type icon.
+ var iconNo = itemCachetype.innerHTML.match(/images\/WptTypes\/sm\/(.+)\.gif/);
+ var icon = '';
+ if (iconNo && iconNo[1] && iconNo[1].match(/^\d+$/)) icon = iconNo[1];
+ else if (iconNo[1] == 'earthcache') icon = 137;
+ else if (iconNo[1] == 'maze') icon = 1304;
+ if (icon != '') {
+ itemCachetype.innerHTML = '';
+ $(itemCachetype).append('');
+ }
+ // Build an edit link for cell Name / Log types.
+ var name = itemName.innerHTML;
+ itemName.innerHTML = '';
+ $(itemName).append('' + name + '');
+ // Change edit link to icon.
+ itemEdit.innerHTML = '';
+ itemEdit.setAttribute('title', 'Edit notification');
+ $(itemEdit).addClass('gclh_icon');
+ $(itemEdit).append('');
+ $(itemEdit).closest('td')[0].setAttribute('style', 'white-space: nowrap;');
+ // Build delete link behind the edit link.
+ $(itemEdit).after('');
+ $(this).find('.gclh_delete')[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
+ if ($(this).closest('tr').hasClass('gclh_disabled')) return;
+ var ident = new Date().getTime();
+ var openPopup = window.open('https://www.geocaching.com/notify/edit.aspx?NID=' + nid + '&GClhDelete', ident, 'width=240, height=100, top=0, left=10000');
+ // A pop up could not be opened in browser, probably because of a pop up blocker, so we'll inform the user.
+ if (openPopup == null) {
+ alert('A pop up blocker was detected. Please allow pop ups for this site, reload the page and try again.');
+ } else {
+ $(this).closest('tr').addClass('gclh_disabled');
+ $(this).closest('tr').find('a').each(function(){
+ $(this)[0].href = 'javascript:void(0);';
+ });
+ }
+ }, false);
+ // Build copy link behind the edit link.
+ // Nicht fertig bzw. im Rahmen von 'save as new' in dieser Form nicht mehr in Ordnung.
+ // $(itemEdit).after('');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ let css = '';
+ css += 'table.Table thead th {white-space: nowrap}';
+ css += 'table.Table.gclh_hide_add th.gclh_add, table.Table.gclh_hide_add td.gclh_add {display: none;}';
+ css += '.gclh_name {color: #4a4a4a !important; text-decoration: none !important;}';
+ css += '.gclh_disabled {opacity: 0.4;}';
+ css += '.gclh_icons {width: 80px;}';
+ css += '.gclh_icon svg, .gclh_icon img {height: 18px; width: 18px; padding: 4px; vertical-align: middle; color: #4a4a4a;}';
+ css += '.gclh_icon_add svg {height: 20px; width: 20px; padding: 3px;}';
+ css += '.gclh_icon_cachetype {height: 24px; width: 24px;}';
+ css += '.gclh_hide_info .gclh_info {display: none;}';
+ css += '.gclh_icon_rotate_top svg {transform: rotate(180deg);}';
+ css += '.gclh_sortable {cursor: pointer;}';
+ css += '.gclh_sortable span::after {color: #4a4a4a; content: " "; background-image: url(/plan/public/429af344f6d770066f9793d26c2739a7.svg); background-repeat: no-repeat; display: inline-block; visibility: hidden; height: 12px; width: 12px; vertical-align: middle;}';
+ css += '.gclh_sort_cur span::after {visibility: visible;}';
+ css += '.gclh_sort_desc span::after {transform: rotate(180deg);}';
+ css += '#gclh_degs span {position: absolute; margin-left: 4px; margin-top: 3.5px;}';
+ css += 'table.LatLongTable td {padding-left: 0px;}';
+ css += '.Checkbox label {top: 0px;}';
+ css += '.EditNotificationForm table {margin-bottom: 0px;}';
+ // Improve notification list page.
+ if (document.location.href.match(/\.com\/notify\/default\.aspx/) && $('table.Table tbody tr')[0]) {
+ // Build headline for the notification list.
+ $('table.Table tbody').before('
Name / Log types
Cache type
+ // Build 'create' icon.
+ $('table.Table thead th:last').append('');
+ // Process load, hide, show additional data.
+ processAdditionalDataListNotif();
+ // Process hide, show page info.
+ processHidePageInfoListNotif();
+ // Improve the notification lines.
+ improveLinesListNotif();
+ // Build table sort.
+ $('table .gclh_col_enable')[0].addEventListener('click', function() {sortTableListNotif($('table.Table')[0], this, $('table .gclh_col_name')[0])});
+ $('table .gclh_col_icon')[0].addEventListener('click', function() {sortTableListNotif($('table.Table')[0], this, $('table .gclh_col_name')[0])});
+ $('table .gclh_col_name')[0].addEventListener('click', function() {sortTableListNotif($('table.Table')[0], this, '')});
+ $('table .gclh_col_cachetype')[0].addEventListener('click', function() {sortTableListNotif($('table.Table')[0], this, $('table .gclh_col_name')[0])});
+ }
+ // Improve notification.
+ if (document.location.href.match(/\.com\/notify\/edit\.aspx/)) {
+ // Alignment, white space tuning.
+ $('table.LatLongTable tbody tr td').each(function(){
+ if (this.innerHTML.match(/^(\s*)$/)) $(this).remove();
+ });
+ var sel = 'input[name="ctl00$ContentBody$LogNotify$LatLong:_currentLatLongFormat"]';
+ if ($(sel)[0] && $(sel)[0].nextSibling && $(sel)[0].nextSibling.data) $(sel)[0].nextSibling.data = ' ';
+ if ($('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_cbEnable')[0]) $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_cbEnable')[0].parentNode.parentNode.style.marginLeft = '0';
+ if ($('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_btnGo')[0]) $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_btnGo')[0].parentNode.style.marginLeft = '0';
+ // Handle coordinates of a notification in one field.
+ if ($('select[name="ctl00$ContentBody$LogNotify$LatLong"]"')[0].selectedIndex == 1) {
+ var side = $('table.LatLongTable tbody select[id*="selectEastWest"]')[0].closest('tr');
+ $(side).after('
Alternative input option:
+ processCoordsNotif(first = true, e = false, field = false);
+ $('#gclh_degs_value')[0].addEventListener('focusout', function(e) {processCoordsNotif(first = false, e, field = this);}, false);
+ $('#gclh_degs_value')[0].addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {processCoordsNotif(first = false, e, field = this);}, false);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong\\:_selectNorthSouth')[0].addEventListener('focusout', function(e) {processCoordsNotif(first = false, e, field = this);}, false);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong\\:_selectNorthSouth')[0].addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {processCoordsNotif(first = false, e, field = this);}, false);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong\\:_selectNorthSouth')[0].addEventListener('change', function(e) {processCoordsNotif(first = false, e, field = this);}, false);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLatDegs')[0].addEventListener('focusout', function(e) {processCoordsNotif(first = false, e, field = this);}, false);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLatDegs')[0].addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {processCoordsNotif(first = false, e, field = this);}, false);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLatMins')[0].addEventListener('focusout', function(e) {processCoordsNotif(first = false, e, field = this);}, false);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLatMins')[0].addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {processCoordsNotif(first = false, e, field = this);}, false);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong\\:_selectEastWest')[0].addEventListener('focusout', function(e) {processCoordsNotif(first = false, e, field = this);}, false);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong\\:_selectEastWest')[0].addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {processCoordsNotif(first = false, e, field = this);}, false);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong\\:_selectEastWest')[0].addEventListener('change', function(e) {processCoordsNotif(first = false, e, field = this);}, false);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLongDegs')[0].addEventListener('focusout', function(e) {processCoordsNotif(first = false, e, field = this);}, false);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLongDegs')[0].addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {processCoordsNotif(first = false, e, field = this);}, false);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLongMins')[0].addEventListener('focusout', function(e) {processCoordsNotif(first = false, e, field = this);}, false);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__inputLongMins')[0].addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {processCoordsNotif(first = false, e, field = this);}, false);
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__requiredLatDeg, #ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__validatorLatDegs, #ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__requiredLatMins, #ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__validatorLatMins, #ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__requiredLongDeg, #ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__validatorLongDegs, #ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__requiredLongMins, #ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_LatLong__validatorLongMins').addClass('Warning');
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the notification to copy and prepare a copy of the notification.
+ if (document.location.href.match(/\.com\/notify\/edit\.aspx\?CopyNID=(\d+)/)) {
+ var nid = document.location.href.match(/\.com\/notify\/edit\.aspx\?CopyNID=(\d+)/);
+ if (nid && nid[1]) {
+ if (document.location.href.match(/#first/)) {
+ prepareCopyNotif(nid[1], true);
+ } else if ($('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_tbName')[0].value == ' ') {
+ prepareCopyNotif(nid[1], false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Delete notification via popup. We are here in the popup.
+ if (document.location.href.match(/\.com\/notify\/edit\.aspx\?NID=(\d+)&GClhDelete/)) {
+ if ($('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_btnArchive')[0]) {
+ $('#ctl00_ContentBody_LogNotify_btnArchive').click();
+ } else {
+ setTimeout(function() {window.close();},10);
+ }
+ }
+ appendCssStyle(css);
+ } catch(e) {gclh_error("Improve notifications",e);}
+ }
// Check for update.
try {
function checkForUpdate(manual) {
@@ -15058,6 +15457,9 @@ var mainGC = function() {
html += checkboxy('settings_show_compact_certitude_information', 'Show information overview on Certitude\'s solution page') + show_help("Show a compact information overview and a Copy to Clipboard button after successfully passing a Certitude page.") + " ";
html += checkboxy('settings_anonymous_on_certitude', 'Do not get listed on Certitude\'s solvers rank page') + show_help("Always activate the \"Stay anonymous\" checkbox. If the solution is correct, the nickname will not be listed in the ranking.") + " ";
html += newParameterVersionSetzen("0.11") + newParameterOff;
+ html += newParameterOn1;
+ html += checkboxy('settings_improve_notifications_beta', '(Beta version) Improve notification list and notifications') + " ";
+ html += newParameterVersionSetzen('0.14') + newParameterOff;
html += "";
html += "
@@ -16904,6 +17306,7 @@ var mainGC = function() {
+ 'settings_improve_notifications_beta',
for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
if (document.getElementById(checkboxes[i])) setValue(checkboxes[i], document.getElementById(checkboxes[i]).checked);