pip3 install rosbag-merge
python3 -m pip install .
This package currently uses icecream as the logger in order to better identify the locations of bugs. Eventually the logging will happen through print.
Basic elements for usage are an in path and out path for data being processed and created, respectively.
- Define an outbag name using the flag.
- Define input paths for the data of interest. (csv or bags)
- Define where to save newly created data (csv or bags)
- Topics which should be filtered. Use this to speed up all of the processing. To use all topics then simply omit the flag.
- Topics which should be filtered. Use this to speed up all of the processing. To use all topics then simply omit the flag. A file representing a list of topics. One topic per line.
NOTE : More arguments are available if you want to use specific CSV's or Bag files. Run
rosbag-merge -h
for more information.
export IN_PATH=/path/to/data
export OUT_PATH=/path/to/data
export OUTBAG_NAME=new-bag-name
export INPUT_TOPICS='/topic/namespace_1 /topic/namespace_2 /topic/namespace_3'
Merge all the bag files from the current directory.
rosbag-merge --write_bag --outbag_name $OUTBAG_NAME
Make a merged bage with all topics.
rosbag-merge --input_paths $IN_PATH --output_path $OUT_PATH --outbag_name $OUTBAG_NAME --write_bag
To merge bag files with select topics, and make single topics csvs.
rosbag-merge --input_paths $IN_PATH --output_path $OUT_PATH --outbag_name $OUTBAG_NAME --topics $INPUT_TOPICS --write_bag
To merge bag files with select topics, and make single topics csvs.
rosbag-merge --input_paths $IN_PATH --output_path $OUT_PATH --outbag_name $OUTBAG_NAME --write_bag --write_csvs