Fixed Convex Sidechain platform ConvexRewardPool and RewardManager
The bug affects the deposit, withdrawal, and reward claiming functionalities, causing transactions to revert consistently. This presents a significant risk to the stability and usability of the contract. Specifically, the problem arises from the implementation of the try-catch block at line 156 of ConvexRewardPool.sol. Despite attempts to handle exceptions using try-catch, transactions continue to revert.
This issue has already manifested in the fxETH Reward Pool (contract address: 0xaCb744c7e7C95586DB83Eda3209e6483Fb1FCbA4) on Arbitrum Mainnet. Users are currently unable to deposit, withdraw funds, or claim rewards due to this bug. This error happened because the Curve fxETH Gauge 0x5839337bf070Fea56595A5027e83Cd7126b23884 has an array with the reward tokens, and the reward_tokens[0] is 0x365AccFCa291e7D3914637ABf1F7635dB165Bb09 which is in fact a normal address, so when you call updateRewardList it reads this address and then tries to insert it with _insertRewardToken, and then is when the problem happens, because it tries to transfer like if was an ERC20 token, and the transaction reverts because Try Catch doesn’t do its job, and basically locks all the Reward Pool for the users. But this doesn’t revert with my implementation. But this has happened on the fxETH pool for now but could affect all other pools.
To fix this, I've changed on line 156 of ConvexRewardPool.sol from
try IERC20(_token).transfer(address(this), 0){}catch{}
(bool _success, bytes memory _data) =
if (!_success || (_data.length > 0 && !abi.decode(_data, (bool)))) {
// Token transfer failed or did not return true, treat as non-compliant or non-existent token
So if it fails it doesn't revert the transaction. Also on _insertRewardToken checks if the given address is a contract or not, and if it's not address it invalidates the address and returns, so that when claiming skips this address.
uint32 size;
assembly {
size := extcodesize(_token)
if (size > 0) {
(bool success, ) =
if (!success) {
// Token balance check failed, treat as non-compliant or non-existent token
} else {
// Address is not a contract, treat as non-compliant or non-existent token
I've also updated the PoolRewardHook.sol when transferring the tokens to
(bool success, bytes memory data) = address(
if (!success || (data.length > 0 && !abi.decode(data, (bool)))) {
Just to make sure it doesn't break.
I've also added a test which tests the deposit, withdrawal and the claim of the rewards with a wrong address as a deposit in the Gauge.
This test file first forks Arbitrum, creates a new RewardFactory, and deploys an empty ConvexRewardPool as a template for the factory, it then sets this factory to the Booster, then changes the RewardHook to the updated one. And then updates the Implementation at the factory to the template, it shuts down the broken ConvexRewardPool (15), and adds the new Pool.
Once then new Pool is added it then checks that has been correctly added. The first test is the deposit, which deposits all the balance of the LP tokens, then also tries claiming the rewards. And finally Withdrawing with claiming true, and Withdrawing without claiming.
forge test -vv
[⠔] Compiling...
No files changed, compilation skipped
Running 5 tests for test/Contract.t.sol:TestContract
[PASS] testClaimRewards() (gas: 392342)
[PASS] testDeposit() (gas: 872168)
[PASS] testSetPool() (gas: 10371)
[PASS] testWithdrawWithClaim() (gas: 709924)
[PASS] testWithdrawWithoutClaim() (gas: 1146055)
Test result: ok. 5 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 56.94s
Ran 1 test suites: 5 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (5 total tests)
Should you require further clarification or assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via this email, Twitter (@0xbiel), or Discord (0xbiel).