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$ npm i @sonicfury/spider-query-builder
This typescript library is designed to help you interact between your front end app and your backend based on API Platform. It can help you build your query from a filters form with typing etc.
This project is under AGPL 3 License
Say you have a DomainService (domain.service.ts
file) with the something like:
class DomainService extends AbstractService{
getDomain(query: string): Observable<HttpResponse<Domain[]>> {
const url = `${this.baseUrl}/domain?${query}`;
return this.http.get<Domain[]>(url);
API Platform has specific semantics for the built-in filters.
With this library, you have to build SpiderParams
for each filter, like:
import {SpdrQueryBuilder} from "./SpdrQueryBuilder";
const qb = new SpdrQueryBuilder(); // initialize the builder
.exists('username', true) // wether the property 'username' exists
.search('firstname', ['john']) // search for a 'john' firstname
.search('lastname', ['doe']) // search for a 'doe' lastname
.range('rank', 1, 200); // search for a result with rank between 1 and 200
// ...
will be formatted as exists[username]=true&firstname=john&lastname=doe&rank[between]=1..200
Feel free to submit an issue if you find something wrong or if you feel some important feature is missing. Be sure to note the version you're using, and provide minimum context and information (as if you were on SO).
You're welcome to contribute if you want. Just be sure to check the guidelines