Lightweight utility for decoding function parameters and function output from Tron blocklchain transactions.
Minimal dependencies.
Decode method name used by specific Transaction Id.
Find the input parameter passed to function by Transaction Id.
Find the exact output returned from the function by Transaction Id.
npm i @beycan/tron-tx-decoder
const TronTxDecoder = require('@beycan/tron-tx-decoder');
const decoder = new TronTxDecoder(node /* */);
Decode function input parameters by passing transaction id.
async function decodeTxInput(txId){
const decodedInput = await decoder.decodeInputById(txId);
return decodedInput;
methodName: 'submitTheGame',
inputNames: [ '_betId', 'freshHouseSeed', 'rollResult', '_gameOutcome' ],
inputTypes: [ 'uint256', 'address', 'uint8', 'uint8' ],
decodedInput: {
'0': BigNumber { _hex: '0x265aa6' },
'1': '0x8F476d1155E9910A885Cae1c4396BDD392c3883E',
'2': 11,
'3': 1,
_length: 4
Decode function input parameters by passing transaction id.
async function decodeLogsByTxId(txId){
return await decoder.decodeLogsById(txId);
eventName: 'Transfer',
logNames: [ 'from', 'to', 'value' ],
logTypes: [ 'address', 'address', 'uint256' ],
decodedLogs: {
'0': BigNumber { _hex: '0x265aa6' },
_length: 1
Decode function outputs by passing transaction id.
async function decodeTxOutput(txId){
const decodedOutput = await decoder.decodeResultById(txId);
return decodedOutput;
methodName: 'submitTheGame',
outputNames: [ null, null ],
outputTypes: [ 'uint256', 'uint256' ],
decodedOutput: {
'0': BigNumber { _hex: '0x265aa6' },
'1': BigNumber { _hex: '0x0615ec20' },
_length: 2
Decode function outputs by passing transaction id.
async function decodeRevertMessage(txId){
const decodedMessage = await decoder.decodeRevertMessage(txId);
return decodedMessage;
txStatus: 'REVERT',
revertMessage: 'Plot is not currently owned'
BigNumber can be converted to number using prototype .toNumber(). Which return a JavaScript number of the value.
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